Move-Up Auditions Spring 2025
This section is for GPYO families only. If you are new to the GPYO and are interested in submitting an audition, please visit the Join section of our website.
Now - December 27th - Move Up Auditions Accepted
January 6th - Notification of acceptance for Symphonic Orchestra
January 13th - Notification of acceptance for all other ensembles
January 6th - Notification of acceptance for Symphonic Orchestra
January 13th - Notification of acceptance for all other ensembles
To submit a move-up audition to the next level, you must prepare an audition and submit it via video like you did when you joined the GPYO. These video guidelines and audition requirements can be found by clicking the buttons below. When you have finished going through that information and are ready to submit your video, please go to the section below!
Move-Up Video Submission
Please select what ensemble you are interested in moving up to and you will be guided to a form to submit your video.